Membrane Microdomain Disorganization Disorders

The Cause of All Diseases

Complete List of Books:

Volume 1. Primary ATP8B1 (FIC1) deficiency disease (PFIC1): A disease of impaired raft re-building
Volume 2. ABC transporters: Regulators of ATP8B1 (FIC1)
Volume 3. AMPK: Persistent raft disruption with maintained re-building
Volume 4. P4-ATPases and ABC transporters: Orchestrators of membrane microdomains
Volume 5. FXR and LXR: Membrane fixers and “active raft disruptors”
Volume 6. The role of P4-ATPases, membrane defects, ion imbalance, and membrane potential in raft building and disruption
Volume 7. Classification of exocytosis disorders
Volume 8. Hepatocyte and cholangiocyte membrane microdomain phenotypes of PFIC3
Volume 9. Microvillus atrophy and vesicle fusion defects
Volume 10. Sensing and responding to stress: A process organized by P4-ATPases
Volume 11. Microdomain regulation by V-ATPases and P4-ATPases
Volume 12. MDR1 and ATP8B1: Sensors of the membrane order
Volume 13. ABCA1 deficiency: A disease of “impaired active raft disruption”
Volume 14. ABCA1 and P4-ATPases: The balance between raft disruption and re-building
Volume 15. The mystery of chloride secretion
Volume 16. Regulatory microdomain interactions between CFTR and ATP8B1
Volume 17. ADPKD and PFIC1: Diseases with persistent or impaired raft building
Volume 18. The cause of primary biliary cholangitis
Volume 19. The two ugly faces of membrane microdomain disorganization disorders
Volume 20. Organization of cholesterol homeostasis by membrane microdomains
Volume 21. Cholesterol and sphingolipids: Microdomain orchestrators
Volume 22. Role of calcium and acidosis in raft disruption
Volume 23. The mystery of unconventional secretion
Volume 24. Phospholipid flipping and flipping the coin: PFIC1 and Stargardt disease
Volume 25. Inflammatory membrane phenotypes
Volume 26. Overexpression of ABC transporters
Volume 27. The function of HDL
Volume 28. Biliary secretion: A function of ATP8B1-dependent raft building and disruption
Volume 29. Cholestasis caused by impaired or persistent raft building
Volume 30. Cell size and primary cilia: Life and death
Volume 31. Apoptosis: A raft disruption-dependent process
Volume 32. The role of ATP8B1 in entry, exit, and replication of HCV, HIV, and COVID-19
Volume 33. ATP8B1 and NHE proteins: Supporters of raft building
Volume 34. ATP11C, HIV, and Rituximab: Players with membrane order
Volume 35. Microdomain organization of secretion: Congenital chloride diarrhea and hereditary fructose intolerance.
Volume 36. Cholestasis, cholangiopathies, and primary ciliopathies: Three in one
Volume 37. ATP8B1 (FIC1): From esophagus to colon
Volume 38. The membranous origin of the cholangiopathies
Volume 39. Tight junctions, membrane microdomains, and cholangiopathies
Volume 40. Biliary cholesterol secretion, raft disruption and gallstone formation
Volume 41. Ursodeoxycholic acid: A membrane fixer
Volume 42. Curcumin: A natural raft disruptor
Volume 43. Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Membrane microdomain modulators
Volume 44. Vitamin K: Builder of lipid rafts
Volume 45. Oxidative stress, Klotho, ATP8B1, and aging
Volume 46. Blebbing and shedding: A raft disruption dependent process
Volume 47. Eryptosis: A window into raft disrupting disorders
Volume 48. Bile acids: Essential modulators of membrane microdomains
Volume 49. Villin and ERMs: Builders and disruptors of lipid rafts
Volume 50. PFIC1: Post-liver transplant membrane microdomain phenotypes
Volume 51. Raft disruption and bone resorption: The case of ATP8B1 deficiency disease
Volume 52. The role of ATP8B1 in calcium and magnesium homeostasis
Volume 53. The role of drugs in modulating membrane microdomain phenotypes: Part I
Volume 54. The role of drugs in modulating membrane microdomain phenotypes: Part II
Volume 55. The role of drugs in modulating membrane microdomain phenotypes: Part III
Volume 56. Proliferative and anti-proliferative mechanisms: The role of increased or decreased raft building
Volume 57. Regulatory T cells induce tolerance by suppressing raft disruption or re-building
Volume 58. Secrets of the inner membrane
Volume 59. Cytokinesis: Classical cycling of raft building and disruption
Volume 60. From prematurity to aging: Persistent disruption or building of lipid rafts
Volume 61. Role of membrane microdomain disorganization in albumin loss
Volume 62. Nephrotic syndrome: A membrane microdomain disorganization disorder
Volume 63. Whole Exome Sequencing: Prediction of person’s membrane microdomain phenotype
Volume 64. Alcohol induced raft disruption and re-building
Volume 65. The origin of autophagy
Volume 66. Cell phones: Possible P4-ATPases inactivators and raft disruptors
Volume 67. Deafness: Impaired raft building or disruption
Volume 68. Regulation of membrane microdomain phenotype by Ca2+, Mg2+, and ATP
Volume 69. Disruption of rafts and memories: The cause and the consequence
Volume 70. The membranous origin of Pancreatitis
Volume 71. Raft disruption and shedding of transmembrane proteins
Volume 72. Primary ciliopathies: Membrane microdomain disorganization disorders
Volume 73. Apical and basolateral membrane microdomain regulatory interactions
Volume 74. Role of caveolae and caveolins in membrane microdomain organization
Volume 75. Crohn’s disease: Loss of order
Volume 76. Diabetic membrane phenotypes
Volume 77. EGFR: Raft building and disruption dependent pathway
Volume 78. The role of “raft disruption and building” in platelets activation
Volume 79. Membrane fluidity
Volume 80. Lipid rafts in brush borders of epithelial cells
Volume 81. Gilbert syndrome and G6PG deficiency: The two death (apoptosis)”G”enerators
Volume 82. Oxysterol binding proteins (OSBPs): Modulators of raft building and disruption
Volume 83. Membrane microdomain disorganization phenotypes: New concepts